No matter how hard and fucked up life is. I have a happy place, where nothing matters. No drama, no hardships. Just love and laughs.
Shit that is said could never be written, but it is a poetry that flows like no brilliant piece of literature I have ever read. It's magic.
The funny that is prominent at every gathering, actually gives me a headache from laughing. No comedy team, or improv group could ever stand up to this crew. It is the most natural , in sync, spontaneous combustion of ridiculous that can never be duplicated. Something that needs to be witnessed. There is no way to explain it.
Never mean spirited. All comes from love. Not everybody can hang. But the people who do, are bonded by this place. Youngsters to old heads. Check your issues at the door.
Along with the funny, is the love. How everyone is so happy to see everyone else. You belong here and when your not there, youre missed.
Dank food that never seems to end. Cocktails. Greenery. Volley ball, horse shoes, swimming pool, music, and love, love, love.
My son, who at 17, never wants to hang with me. I "forced " him into The 4th of July party. Now he's counting down the days to the next gathering.
I am so grateful to be included in this crew. With out it, I don't know what I'd do.
The only thing that might not be perfect? As a single woman, Im never going to meet anyone. I would never date in Club Espo. And the rest of my days are mostly spent with gay men. So single girl suicide. But, I'll sacrafice gladly.
I read your posts. You reaaly bring it...I Love It...We really need to catch up..gotta go..u just texted me